Parent Council

Parent Forum and Parent Council
All parents of children at Lairhillock Nursery or School belong to the Parent Forum. Any parent or guardian of a child at Lairhillock Nursery or School can volunteer to be a member of the Parent Council. We are fortunate to have a very supportive and active Parent Council at Lairhillock. The Head Teacher enjoys a close, open working relationship with the Parent Council to ensure a helpful partnership with the school. Lairhillock Parent Council meets at least once a term and its objectives are to:

Parent Councils
Parent Councils are now established in almost all Aberdeenshire primary and secondary schools. The Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 recognises the vital role that parents play in supporting their children’s learning.

The basic principle under-pinning the Act is the desire to have children become more ‘confident learners’ through closer working between each family and the school.

All parents are welcome to attend meetings, unless the Parent Council is discussing an issue that it considers should be dealt with on a confidential basis.

You can find out more about your Parent Council by contacting the Parent Council Chair or the Head Teacher. is our Parent Council email address.

MINUTES general meeting 30th April 2024

MINUTES general meeting 6th February 2024

General Meeting Agenda 26th April 2023

