We are keen to maintain open communication links with parents and have a number of ways in which we do this.
A school newsletter is emailed home weekly. We also share news through Twitter. You are invited to take part in regular opportunities to contribute feedback on our work.
We will contact you by telephone or email if there is ever anything specific that we wish to discuss with you. Should you ever wish to discuss any aspect of your child’s development, please phone the school and an appointment can be arranged at a mutually convenient time.
In Nursery, at drop off or collection times, you will have daily opportunities to talk to a member of the nursery team, exchanging information about your child’s day in Nursery or information from home that you feel is important for the Nursery team to be aware of.
Twice a year you will be invited to meet individually with your child’s class teacher. This is an opportunity to visit your child’s class and see samples of their work, to give you a better insight into what your child has been learning in the first term. If the class teacher has any concerns about your child’s personal and social development, or any particular curricular development needs, they will arrange a meeting to discuss this with you. The teacher will also share ideas as to how to help your child at home.
You will receive a written report on your child’s progress during the third and fourth terms and you will have the opportunity for you and your child to discuss the reports with the teacher. When requested by either parent or teacher, a follow up or an additional meeting will be arranged.
Other means of communication include parent workshops, curricular evenings, concerts, class assemblies, performances and open days.